
Tuesday 18 February 2014

the love of my life

I recently read a wonderful blog post written by Rebecca (fromroses) about her adorable West Highland Terrier Bella. I found Rebecca through Instagram and I have to say her photos are stunning!

A few summers ago, we lost a much loved family member to a horrible illness and a few weeks after, we lost our family dog, Angus (or as I called him, Fluffy).
My mum and dad could not cope with the house being so quiet, so decided to bring home a very little puppy a few days after Angus passed. Some people like to wait a while before getting a new dog, unwilling to replace them. However, a new life filled a massive hole in our hearts and our little boy, Toby had brought so much happiness into our lives!

Dogs really are a mans best friend, even if they trample mud through the house, or roll in something dodgy down the beach.  Toby knows when I am sad and will always be there for a cuddle.
Being greeted at the door to the cutest dog in the world is a bad day obliterated.

So here are some Toby photos to obliterate that bad day.

- HF -

Monday 13 January 2014

Monday 21 October 2013

Saturday 12 October 2013

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The beginning…

Welly & Wander is a place I can share my photographs and life as an online diary.
I have created it so that I have somewhere I can expose my creativity and passions.
There is no blog theme; just the things I love.